Storey height steel-framed window screens installed in London Studios

Storey height steel-framed window screens installed in London Studios

West Leigh produced a series of steel-framed screens to form the 3-storey, fully-glazed window atrium at Great Western Studios in Westminster, London.



Great Western Studios is a purpose-built studio complex specifically for creative businesses, where maximising light and creating a strong industrial identity were the main design drivers. The storey height steel-framed window screens were finished in an unusual ‘raw’ steel metallic shade.

Measuring up to eight metres in length and 2.4 metres tall, the window screens were fabricated in metre wide sections and joined on-site using matching steel mullions. West Leigh also had to incorporate a movement joint at the head in order to accommodate potential thermal adjustments.



The men behind the Great Western Studios concept, brothers Simon & Nicholas Kirkham, comment: “As we are a venue intended to inspire creative designers and makers, the theme of the regeneration of this former paint factory site was to try and give the internal courtyard a ‘nod’ towards the Bauhaus Movement’s Dessau building. The atrium is 50 metres long, rising three storeys high, and features West Leigh’s screens on all sides. We now have 85 creative industries occupying the ground floor and we are currently fitting out the upper two floors.”

The majority of the screens are glazed with 16 mm IG units, specified mainly for improved acoustic performance, though the fire-rated screens feature the use of 7.2 mm Pyroguard clear.


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